Sunday, February 27, 2011

Contemplation during Adoration

In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Praise to you O God, Almighty King. To be able to come into Your most holy presence, a great privilege is given to me, to dwell in the House of the Lord.

Praise be to thee, Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, who created and ordered all to be, the infinite universe that continues to expand. You who form the vast universe and fill it with beauty and every minute detail, and ordered all things to be. My being is less than a drop in the great ocean, yet you took notice among the dust and showered Thy Fatherly care towards me.

Praise be to thee, the Son, our Redeemer and Brother. You left Thy Heavenly abode, condescending to be one of us, having gone through the same trials and burdens even more than all of us, who knows and emphathise with what we are going through. You, who stooped to be one of us, that through Your Teachings we will not be led astray, and through Your Suffering we may be called sons of the Most High.

Praise be to thee, Holy Spirit, Teacher and Guide. How much more can we ask; that You Yourself, O Lord, came to dwell in the hearts of men. You fill us with Thy Heavenly wisdom – a wisdom that comes straight from the heart of God. You, who reveal to us the divine mystery and Will of God, who gives us the wisdom and strength to walk each day, and walk it with and towards our God. Such a great gift you have given us O Lord: that we may forever dwell in the presence of the Lord.

Praise to Thee, O God, Father, Son and Spirit, whom all 3 make up the Trinity, the epitome of self-giving Love. Each unique in Person, perfectly complementing one another, distinct yet inseparable and one. In the Trinity each Person is complete, and in them we too will be complete. Indeed how great is this self-giving Love, poured out to one another, poured out to us!

O Lord, no words I know can appropriately express what You have done for me, what you are to me. Lord Jesus, You invite us to call You friend and brother, yet You are much more than that to me. You were with me since the dawn of time; You know all of me. You guide me, teach me, comfort me and love me more than I can imagine. You call me friend O Lord, but how could I respond in kind, when I cannot return the favour? What can I offer O Lord – as a friend – as You had done for me?

You know all of me Lord from the inside out, yet I do not know You even half as well in kind. Friendship is supposed to be mutual, two parties giving and taking, being there for one another, knowing one another. So how am I to call you friend O Lord, when I there is nothing I can do for You?

No words can describe what you are to me O Lord. The word ‘friend’ is too low a title. Is there any word in the tongue of man that I can use to call You by? None I know are fit to address You by O Lord. Calling You friend O Lord, it really feels as though to downplay who You really are to me O God. Is there a word in Latin, Greek, or even Hebrew that I can use to describe who You are to me?

Until the time comes where I can find a word fit to describe what You really are to me Lord Jesus, the word ‘friend’ would have to suffice, and I pray that I may call You so for the time being. That You are called by such a title pains me O Lord, yet You accept it O Lord, even welcome us to call You ‘friend’. You condescend and elevate this word, just as You condescended for us on the Cross, that we may be elevated to be called sons and daughters of the High. For that is all we can do O Lord: waiting in our total nothingness and unworthiness, You elevate us that we may be with You and dwell in Your House O God. That is indeed how You want it O Father: that we rely totally on You, to put all our faith and hope in You O God.

Thank You Father, for all of that You have done for me O Lord, for this privilege which You have bestowed upon me O Father, which no words can, and will be, able to express.

All this prayer I make O Father, through Christ our Lord.


Last updated 1 April 2011. Reason: I found a previous record of this prayer which I jotted down but later missed out, and added that in.