Thursday, April 5, 2012

Come and Share at the Table

Today is Holy Thursday, a day whereby Catholics celebrate the institution of the Eucharist – that is, the breaking of bread (the Body of Christ) and the sharing of wine (His Blood). Due to my having a night replacement class, I was not able to participate in Church. However, I intended to at least do something to commemorate this holy day.

And so, yesterday I bought a packet of bread that would be my dinner this night, to simulate what Jesus had done with His disciples more than 2000 years ago. I also decided before taking my evening meal (which, by the way, consists of the packet bread and some sliced potatoes/fries), to go through the readings which would be said in Mass today.

As I went through the passages, I began to doubt my simulative action – that is, having bread for dinner. The first reading, taken from Exodus 12:1-8 and 11-14, felt unrelated and distant to what I was doing. In fact, even the other 3 passages did not immediately click as I read through them one by one.

I suppose the main reason for my apprehension was that I am not, after all, celebrating Mass with the rest of the congregation. I am not consuming the bread transubstantiated into the Body of Christ (only the priest is able to perform that) nor do I feel it right imitating that act. Not that eating bread for a change is wrong; I just did not see the point in my actions then. Nevertheless, after going through the 4 passages and closing it off with prayer, I decided to make do with the food I have without topping up with additional items.

As I sat down and took my meal, I kept thinking about the readings and of the Lord’s Supper. Within the quiet and stillness of the room, I became aware that I kept dwelling on the Word and the actions of God. I felt a certain calmness, as if the Lord had specially prepared me a place in His soothing Presence. Through the simple meal without any distraction, my thoughts remain focused on the Lord. I may not have participated bodily in His Church, yet I felt as though I had somehow shared in His Life during my dinner.

My actions may not have immediately connected nor do I think I fully comprehend them still, but in the end I counted this evening a fruitful one today. To me, nothing is more precious than being under the presence of the Lord.

Dear Father,
I thank you for this time
In which You have given me
That I may spend it LordHowever little it may be, with You.
Though I cannot be on this day together with Your Church
I pray O Lord that I will be able to participate
Even a little, in this celebration.
Even as You Lord
In the days of the Old Testament
Set Your chosen people free
Today You have set us free in full
Through the offering of the Lamb
And now I stand here
Offering my life in thanksgiving
As I remember of the life I share
In you through the Eucharist
Together with my brothers and sisters
One body in Christ.
O Lord
Just as I share in Your body
May I come to learnTo share in Your life
To live and serve one another
Washing other’s feet as you have done
Just as You have given me this example to follow
That I draw closer towards You
Towards the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
All of this I pray
In Jesus name

RFG always.