Saturday, July 14, 2012


T'was supposed have ended the day on a high note, what with all the assignments and test finished, plus the weekend to look forward to. Then I decided to open an article a previous college mate wanted share to me. How someone claimed to have gone to Hell and came back, seeing specific people, even Pope John II, in Hell. How we Catholics are "idolatrous" and saints we venerate "demons". And some other claims as well. If that was not upsetting enough, the one who forward me the link did not even bother hearing my (a Catholic) side of the story and testimonies.

So I decided to cool my head a bit with some music. At this time, this song really spoke to me, encouraging me. "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"

If I were not to try reach out to the person, what are the chances someone else would do it? The Lord Himself was sure to have felt the same pains and frustrations when explaining to the uncomprehending masses and the Jews who accused Him of "having a demon" (John 9:48).

"Who you are is all from Me." A herald I am. How we live the fight is who we are. "Who you are is all from Me." "You will suffer but my strength is enough.""Though You will suffer your strength is in Me."

Check my pulse, am I still breathing?
Will You grasp my wrist and hold it dear to Your heart?
To see if I am beating for You and only You my Father
How we live and fight is who we are
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
"Who you are is all from Me"
I'm leaving behind the things of this world
"Follow me my son and let the dead bury their own"
So test me oh Lord, examine my soul
"Follow me my son for what you reap you will have sown"
Give light to my eyes to see
Your glory divine and break through these skies
Hear me when I cry to see Your grace come down and purge these dead lives
"Have I not given you a spirit of power and love?"
I will live to fight for these dead lives
"Have I not given you a spirit of power and love?"
How we live and fight is who we are
And as You dwell inside my heart your burning a fire that's growing
So when I feel the warmth subside rekindle the embers that's burning
Check my pulse, am I still breathing?
Will You grasp my wrist and hold it dear to Your heart?
To see if I am beating for YouA herald I am
"A mirror to Me"
For sin is destroyed"
You've been set free"
How we live the fight is who we are
"Who you are is all from Me"
"You will suffer but my strength is enough"
Still send me"Though You will suffer your strength is in Me"
Still send me.

Wolves at the Gate - Heralds
(Isaiah 6:8; Matthew 8:20; Psalm 126:5; Matthew 6:26; 2 Timothy 1:7)

RFG always.

Edited: 15 July 2012. Slight tweaking of language and verse additions.