Monday, May 6, 2013


How ironic are men such as I
that they are capable of a worry to death
when those they hold close to heart do not respond for a while
yet when they are found to be safe and sound
anger and derision replaced their feelings
as their relief washes away.

My mum called in the evening today. When I answered, there was no response from the other end, and I promptly dismissed the call after two unreplied salutations and thought no more of it.

After two hours passed, I decided to ring back my mum back on the reason she called. It was past 7.30pm then; usually she comes back earlier, and she mentioned to me last night to cook rice for her and my sister for dinner.

When I could not reach her after a few calls, I started to get worried. After numerous attempted calls, my anxiety increased tenfold and I started praying while restlessly wandering around the house. For one, my area is not exactly safe – I have witnessed/experienced robbery/fights/assaults at least seven times since I moved into my current residence.    

When a red car finally emerged at the front gate near 8pm, I was immensely relieved. Yet I was angry, and only a few minutes passed before I regained my usual (and quite irritable) attitude. Later my mum told me to bring in the laundry then but I objected as it was nearing my prayer time.

When I went up to pray however, I felt uneasy, and the thoughts mentioned in the opening came to mind. Was this how I witness and show my gratitude to God for keeping my mum and sister safe and well all this time? Was this the way I show my love towards my mum? Soon after the verse of Matthew 5:24 floated to mind, I decided to do what my mum asked of me before continuing prayer/devotion.

The saying ‘you’ll never appreciate until they are really gone’ indeed holds true and made me reflect upon my actions. Especially since I am not with my family most of the time these days due to university life away from home, I should strive to make what little time I have when I am back to make it worthwhile. It is something I have a long way to go, and I pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire me to constantly look to the Holy Family as the perfect model in this.

RFG always.