Thursday, July 9, 2015

O How Wretched My Bring

So I passed my first major hurdle in my Masters. Should be happy but…

Why hast Thou covered me with grace
When I repaid with a spit in Your face?
Why hast Thou given me Thy blessing
When I pissed it once achieving?

Why, when guilt overran me
Thou chose to forgive freely?
Why, when I cursed my giving into sin
Thou wept and proclaimed me clean?

For this I cursed myself and being
Why didst Thou rebuke my self-deriding?
For this I wallowed in bitterness and grieving

Why remove them bringing again grace and blessing?

Friday, July 3, 2015

Progressive Decay

A few months back there was an incident which made it to the headlines. A Malaysian student was arrested in the UK due to a misdeed he committed while studying abroad. The youth was found to possess a massive amount of material related to child pornography, and was subsequently jailed for a period of 5 years.

Many of his country mates back home lauded the outcome, and were none too happy when the Malaysian government considered appealing and giving the youth a second chance once his jail term ended. A great number had in fact voiced their outrage both in and off the internet.

Most of us I am sure would feel the same way. Pornography especially involving a minor is a serious crime. Yet 2000 years ago, even in some parts of the world today, child marriage is still being practiced. But the “modernized” first world countries of this age condemn the act as improper and irrational.

Today we see in those developed nations issues such as LGBT equality and rights to same sex marriage. The US recently legalized this as did Ireland earlier on. In the UK as well this is acknowledged and accepted, along with prostitution in certain parts of the country as long as he/she is of age. This, they claim, is done in the spirit of equality, freedom and non-discrimination.

If that is the case, why discriminate against pedophiles and those with a Lolita complex? Why punish someone who is caught having pictures/videos of children getting it on? Or, better still, why imprison a person possessing pornographic comics/cartoons/ animations of seemingly underaged children, when clearly no child was harmed in the process, such as the Christopher Handley case? The reason that its content will influencing the person’s behaviour is as reliable as the rationale that people playing GTA and COD will end up being killers and terrorists.

Let’s take a bit further. If I were to create fictional animated works that depict gruesome deaths of toddlers and pre-teens and publicly distribute them, what is that to the authorities? If I were to create a game that centers on gruesomely torturing minors, why should I be stopped? Am I not entitled to my freedom of expression?

Please bear in mind: I am not in ANY WAY encouraging such acts.  Rather, through this I would like to point out the state of the world today, and its decaying ethics and moral values which in this age is happening at an alarming rate, especially in the so-called developed nations. “Logically” speaking, those actions are not wrong in any way: no one is harmed in the process, and most of us I assume are able to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

Yet is that all there is to it? If we look deep into our consciousness, we know that such themes of torture and violence are anything but correct. This is simply proven by the fact that, although it is literally and humanly possible, we would not carry out such acts towards our fellow human beings.

Ask ourselves, what does the laws of nature and our conscience tell us? Going back to the first issue on the arrested Malaysian youth in the UK, would you commit such acts to a child? Are you willing to bear the responsibility for the child’s wellbeing due to your actions? Are you able to bear the responsibility, especially should an unexpected/critical event occurs? If you are the child’s parent, how would you feel? Thinking for the child, what will happen to his future? Do you think it is alright for kids to enter into a sexual relationship with each other, or if is an adult-kid pairing, taking into consideration all that was mentioned above together with your conscience?

The rule can be applied for the other issues mentioned. Can two people of the same sex with a sexual relationship complete each other, as a plug and a port? The answer is no, as a complete relationship is open to the possibility of bearing a child, the product of a joyful union between husband and wife. Nature has its way of answering us.

People may criticize me in this matter, calling me narrow-minded, discriminatory, etc. Yet I have met individuals who practice same sex relationship and premarital sex; and while I do not condone their behavior, I respect them as an individual and treat them no different than I treat others. Heck, one of the closest person in my university life is a guy who practice the latter and has no qualms with the former. However because I do not condone that particular behavior of his, I had voiced out against it. Yet this did not ruin our relationship; if anything, it was more like a discourse between friendly individuals. Even the closest friends have contrasting opinions. In fact, he still shares his activities, issues and problems in his life with me. From this I could say that our relationship continues to deepen until today. There is a difference between hating a person and hating an act. As they say, “hate the sin, but love the sinner”.

And talking about narrow-mindedness, should I call those who frown on polygamy, pedophiles, incest, beastially, and those I have previously mentioned in paragraphs 4 and 5 the same as well? Shall I cry narrow-mindedness to people who condemn a father/mother having consensual sex with his pre-teen sons and daughters? Why discriminate if he obtained the consent of his/her spouse and children?

Since the Old Testament to the New, God had continuously warned us against all forms of immorality (Genesis 18:20; Leviticus 18; Mark 7:21-23; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Even for those who are not affected and are firm in our convictions, it is our responsibility to ensure the next generation will uphold the dignity and sanctity that God ordered for the whole human race since the beginning of mankind. I sincerely hope world I live in would be spared and restored from the degradation of the very foundation of the natural order and morals. All ye saints and angels in heaven, pray for us.

RFG always.