Saturday, January 30, 2016

Persist in Prayer

There are numerous occasions in my life when I do not have the mood to pray, for some reason or another. Sleep spells that occasionally show up during my prayer/contemplation hour, or coming back from a long day are some instances which put a damper on me from communicating with God.

A recent case point was my plan to attend Saturday evening Mass suddenly cancelled without a word. After walking a distance from my house to the meeting point and waiting for approximately 40 minutes, I concluded it highly unlikely that transport would show up, and thus made my way back to my room. I generally spend at least an hour a day for prayer and contemplation on days when I do not attend Mass; however, at that moment in time I briefly considered skipping this round.

Under those circumstances, I keep telling myself to pray even if I do not have the motivation to do so. The anger and irritation I feel, especially if the plans made were related to my spiritual nourishment, makes it all the more tempting to rebel with thoughts such as, “Since God is stopping me from praying, I’m not going to bother then.”

That is exactly what the devil is after. He wants us to turn our backs to God, to walk away in defiance and self-righteousness. The alluring exterior of the fruit screams “Be independent and carve your own path”; the rotten innards whisper “And welcome to the pit of hell.”

In the same way the serpent seduced Eve to cut her relationship and dependence on God, so does Satan intend to manipulate us, sometimes ever so subtly, to slowly chip away our relationship with Him. There is a saying in the internet that goes:

When you carry a Bible, the devil gets a headache.
When you open it, he collapses.
When he see's you reading it, he faints.
When he see's you're living it, he flees.

For me, those words are but a gullible midsummer’s dream. More likely:

When you carry a Bible, the devil brings noise.
When you open it, he places shades on top.
When he see's you reading it, he whispers twisted words.
When he see's you're living it, he calls for backup.

How many of us have the Bible in our phones, or internet connections where Scripture is merely a link away, but hardly ever pause to utilize it?
How many times have we opened our Bibles, with the intention to skim through a random passage so that we can quickly attend to other matters?
How many Churches were split due to different beliefs and doctrines, from supporting homosexuality right down to denying Jesus is God?
How many times have we experienced ourselves resolving to live a more spiritual life, only to start cursing when crap happens right after?

It is especially during these trials that we are to persevere in our spiritual devotion. It is easy to enthusiastically sing praise under the ideal setting of good music, rousing speeches, a comfortable environment, surrounded by wonderful people. The reality is that hiccups and bird droppings are common occurrences in our everyday life, in some instances more than usual. Saint Teresa of Avila on one unfortunate day was thought to have said to Jesus, “If this is the way you treat your friends, it’s no wonder you have so few!”

Our Lord had warned of those who formed their hearts on rocky ground or on thorns: that the seed that springs forth would wither in the mildest scorch, or stunted without ever coming to bear fruit. Much harder it is to fill our hearts with good soil, to clear the debris and remove the weeds before planting. But just as well-graded fertilizers yield bountiful crop, the reward of eternal life will surely await those who persevere in faith and prayer.

RFG always.