Tuesday, April 4, 2017


When I first discovered that my entire experiment failed due to equipment error, I could not feel much. I was already spent on emotions. I had already gone through the 4 stages of frustration: cursing, self-harm, crying and laughing throughout the course leading to this event. An entire year of preparation: planning, waiting, setup and sleepovers all gone down the drain because I was advised by the custodian to use an equipment that (unknowingly) had not been calibrated.

I rarely cry. The few instances that catch me shedding tears would either be when I feel supernaturally uplifted, or when I feel immensely burdened from studies/research. People often comment how stupid that girl/guy who committed suicide is, when all he/she received was a single B among the straight As in an exam. Going through a similar phase, I can somewhat empathise with them. The value each person places on an object differs for each individual, influenced by the amount of time that is invested in it. Unless the person experienced it, he/she will not understand, nor are they qualified to comment.

Days passed. As the weight and effects began to press in, I felt like I wanted to burst. But no tears will flow. Like a cup filled to the brim, I had already let fall all surface tears. Like a balloon filled with air but will not burst, no room to let it out.

Yet they remain, on the brink of eruption. A single crack, and the dam will burst. A pinprick and the container will explode.

That particular evening, I did not have the heart to pray. I did not have the heart to carry out what I regularly do, brooding over the time and effort that was washed down the drain. And the more I dwell on it, the more inclined I was to rage and complain at Him.

No mood for games either; those could literally darken the black if events did not turn out my way. Then on a whim I decided to continue with the last episode of Love Live Season 1.

I do not usually watch such anime. An all-girl cast, perpetual blushing characters and interpersonal female relationships – even if clean – make me cringe. Yet at that moment, the final minutes of the episode really pulled my heartstrings.  Being the first time viewing the episode made all the more impact. Recollecting the previous 12 episodes: their sadness at the future closing of their school, the desperation to find a way to keep it open, the perseverance in training, the opposition by higher ups using their methods, the preparations for the song, stage, costumes and promotion for their first concert – only to find it virtually empty.

I can imagine. The disappointment of not having even one seat filled the auditorium, the spark of light when a single audience showed up, the commitment in slowly building up relationships and skills, the momentum as they gradually gain recognition – and once again, everything comes crashing down at their removal from the rankings, and the sudden announcement of a member’s departure.

Success is such a delicate thing. Like a house of cards: so difficult to construct, yet so easy to fall apart. Watching a tower collapse, I would like nothing better than to tear through the main construct and be done with it. Or I can get up, pick up the pieces and trudge on. For, even in the last moment, there can be a turnaround. Miracles can happen. Kotori may return. Another chance may come. So I will not give up on hope. I will call out to Him.

This I believe. To this I hold on. Time to restart my µ's.

I say...
Hey, hey, hey, START: DASH!!
Hey, hey, hey, START: DASH!!

Even newborn birds
Will someday flutter into the sky
On their large, strong wings.

So, of course we can't give up,
Because that day will surely come for us.
You can feel it too, can't you?
The beating of a new beginning.

Tomorrow, change,
Change into what we hope for!
Change into that bright, unwavering light!

That person, closed up in her sadness,
Always crying, that person isn't you.
With a burning heart, I'm sure you'll cut through it!
That person, closed up in her sadness,
Always crying, that person is boring.
I'm sure, (I'm sure) that with your power (with your dreams)
(right now), moving forward with that power,
I can believe in you... so START!

And once again, another dream is born...

That person, closed up in her sadness,
Always crying, that person isn't you.
With a burning heart, I'm sure you'll cut through it!

Grasping our happiness, moving forward,
With you and I, connected,
Of course we found our way back, after being lost.
Grasping our happiness,
With you and I, moving forward,
That is (That is) a distant piece of our dream,
But it's an important piece!
Look forward into the distance, I DASH!

Hey, hey, hey, START: DASH!!
Hey, hey, hey, START: DASH!!

– µ's, START:DASH, abridged (English translation)