Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Work That Goes Forth Will Not Return Empty

Been while since I last updated. I recently graduated from my Master’s programme in Engineering. I am really fortunate I missed the deadline for the submission of my thesis by more than just a few days. Thank God the administration slotted my name for this year’s convocation, else I would only receive my scroll late next year.

After the ceremony, I met with a handful of the current as well as former members of the Catholic Students Society (CSS). I am quite grateful that a few took their time off that day to meet me, but one particular moment made for a quite a cherishable memory. After I was congratulated, the former president of the CSS, A (currently in his final year in degree) related to the others how we first met back when he just entered university.

During his first CSS meeting, one of the leaders that time spoke on a topic from the YOUCAT (Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church). After her sharing, I put forth a question: why should we go to Confession and declare our sins to the priest? The leader at that time could not provide a satisfactory answer, leading A to respond to the issue. Apparently he thought that I was a critic in need of instruction and guidance. After he finished speaking, I revealed that I was just testing their knowledge concerning the faith XD. That was when he thought to himself that something needs to be done for these people (in the university), thus starting his road down the CSS. In all my experiences at university, I felt that A’s generation was the most in line with the Church and her mission.

It was a little unexpected for me. While I could still recall that day, I had quite forgotten the topic of discussion, and I certainly did not expect it to have that much of an impact on anyone. It goes to show that even the little things we do may leave a significant impact on someone. Again I am reminded that everything we do for the Lord, no matter how insignificant it may seem will not return empty (Isaiah 55:10-11). As such, one should never dismiss a deed with the thought that it would not change anything. For with God, all things are possible.

RFG always.

Monday, October 1, 2018

A Feast for Sinners, Fit for Saints

Previously I dwelt on the issue concerning reverence during the Eucharist. Coincidentally (really!), I find it apt that the next post should be related to the previous write-up. Not too long ago I was reading a passage from the Gospel of Matthew, and I came to appreciate how beautifully linked Matthew 8:8 is to the Communion Rite. While I am aware that the verse is quoted just prior to receiving Communion since years ago when it was first introduced in the Mass by then Pope Benedict, my recent contemplations on the Eucharist have caused this piece to shine with greater radiance.

In Matthew 8:8, the verse reads, “But the centurion answered Him, ‘Lord, I am not worthy to have You come under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant shall be healed.’” A few verses later, the same chapter continues in verses 10 and 11, “…‘Truly I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such faith. I tell you, many will come from east and west and sit at the table with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven,’” before proceeding to heal the said servant (13).

Taken as is, the events behind this passage may seem to have little relevance to the Mass. Looking deeper, the four verses foreshadowed the time when people around the world will unite and sit at the table of the Kingdom through the Eucharist. Today in every Mass, the priest raises the Body of Christ, pronouncing the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world; happy indeed are those who are called to the supper of the Lamb. Every time we eat the Bread and drink from the Cup, we are united, heaven and earth, since “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). Consequently, we too are united with the saints who now dwell in Heaven sitting at the table in the Kingdom, linked by one Bread, one Body, under one Lord.

None of us by ourselves are worthy of entering the Kingdom of Heaven (Romans 3:23), yet God by His grace saved us through the faith we received (Ephesians 2:8). Fitting then, is the prayer said after the Our Father, right before the sign of peace and shortly before Holy Communion, “Look not on our sins but on the faith of Your Church…” For it is not merely our personal faith, but the faith handed down to us by the Apostles (1 Corinthians 15:1-3; Ephesians 2:20). It is a faith both personal and universal.

Recall the words of Jesus during the Last Supper, “‘This is my Body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me,’” and “‘This cup which is poured out for you is the New Covenant in my Blood’” (Luke 19:20-21). These words are later echoed by St Paul during his exhortation in 1 Corinthians 11:24-25, and repeated today by the priest in every Mass before Holy Communion. It is by His Body and Blood poured out for us that we are saved. Like the centurion’s servant in Matthew 8:5-13 who was not present at Jesus’ side, we may not be able to see Jesus in His complete bodily form in this life, yet as the priest by proxy transforms ordinary bread and wine into the Real Body and Blood through transubstantiation, we too are healed as we partake in the Food that Christ provided through the hands of His anointed servants.

As we approach the altar during Holy Communion, let us constantly be aware that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witness, and that every time we partake in the Blessed Sacrament, we are partaking in the feast of Heaven on earth, eating the Food which gives life and heals our souls. The next time before we approach Our Lord to receive Him, let these words leave our lips in all sincerity, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul will be healed.”

RFG always.

Friday, August 31, 2018

ER: Eucharistic Reverence

Some time ago I had a short discussion with a university acquaintance concerning the rubrics of Mass, before the start of the celebration. The topic pertained to the genuflection at the altar, when we are to do so and when we are exempted from doing so. 

As we fleetingly touched on the sacrifice at the altar and transubstantiation, I was reminded on the reverence we are to show when handling the Eucharist. A while ago when we had Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, I remembered quite distinctly that the priest covered his hands with cloth as he held the monstrance that housed the Body of Christ. As the session went on I noticed a lady going up the altar and touching the monstrance with her bare hands, causing me to get a little disconcerted. For if the priest did not directly touch the monstrance with his bare hands during Adoration, how can the ordinary laity come up the altar and touch it?  Such is the reverence accorded to the Bread of Life in Adoration, that the priest who is consecrated for such task would not directly touch the monstrance that houses the Body – and a thought appeared, should not the same reverence be paid to the Host during weekly Communion?

For some time now, I have been pondering the debate between Communion on the hands or tongue. When I first set out on this study, I found that proponents for the Communion on hand often quote St Cyril’s instruction when justifying their argument:

Approaching therefore, do not come forward with the palms of the hands outstretched nor with the fingers apart, but making the left [hand] a throne for the right since this hand is about to receive the King. Making the palm hollow, receive the Body of Christ, adding “Amen”.” [1]

However, if we are to go further:

Then, carefully sanctifying the eyes by touching them with the holy Body, partake of it, ensuring that you do not mislay any of it. For if you mislay any, you would clearly suffer a loss, as it were, from one of your own limbs. Tell me, if anyone gave you gold-dust, would you not take hold of it with every possible care, ensuring that you do not mislay any of it or sustain any loss? So will you not be much more cautious to ensure that not a crumb falls away from that which is more precious than gold or precious stones?” [1]

A different acquaintance who is against the Communion on hands informed me that some particles remained in his hand during the period when he practiced this. I too started to notice bits of white on my palms after careful scrutiny. To address this, the Catholic Church stipulates that when the priest partakes of the Eucharist himself, after consuming the whole wafer he is to rub his fingers in contact with it into the chalice of wine, so as to prevent a single particle being wasted. Think about it: the priest, representing Christ at the altar, consecrated for the sacred task to minister the Host to the people, is required to go through meticulous lengths in handling the Bread – should we, the laity not at least show similar reverence in front of our Lord?

Even if we are to look into the Church position in this matter today, Memoriale Domini, which is the Instruction on the Manner of Distributing Holy Communion to the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship:

Later, with a deepening understanding of the truth of the eucharistic mystery, of its power and of the presence of Christ in it, there came a greater feeling of reverence towards this sacrament and a deeper humility was felt to be demanded when receiving it. Thus the custom was established of the minister placing a particle of consecrated bread on the tongue of the communicant.

This method of distributing holy communion must be retained, taking the present situation of the Church in the entire world into account, not merely because it has many centuries of-tradition behind it, but especially because it expresses the faithful's reverence for the Eucharist. The custom does not detract in any way from the personal dignity of those who approach this great sacrament: it is part of that preparation that is needed for the most fruitful reception of the Body of the Lord.[6]

This reverence shows that it is not a sharing in "ordinary bread and wine"[7] that is involved, but in the Body and Blood of the Lord, through which "The people of God share the benefits of the Paschal Sacrifice, renew the New Covenant which God has made with man once for all through the Blood of Christ, and in faith and hope foreshadow and anticipate the eschatological banquet in the kingdom of the Father." [2]

Observing more than a handful of Churchgoers who come forward during Communion, at times I catch myself wondering if these people are even aware that they are literally standing before the Lord, and that what they are consuming is truly the Body of Christ. Yet can I really fault them, when the shepherds themselves seemingly treat the Host with little regard? I have seen a priest carelessly pouring the Bread from the ciborium into the paten like water into a bowl. When some of the wafer inevitably falls onto the altar, he picks it up and places it back in a way I could expect from an adherent on Food’s 5-second rule. When a paten contains a disproportionate amount of pieces, he sweeps them over to the other patens with his hands in a way that makes me wonder if he is distributing or dismissing the Hosts. While these may sound exaggerated, I am not the only one concerned that the Eucharist is not given proper veneration, and I very much doubt that this issue is an isolated case within the Church.

The Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life.” [3] As such it is only right that one must show proper reverence for this most sacred Sacrament, starting from the way/mindset we receive Holy Communion. If anyone continues to object after being privy to the reasons given by the Church, he/she must ask himself/herself if it is an act of rebellion against something he/she simply does not want to do, or if his/her pride is stopping him/her from following the instructions. As Catholics, it is high time for us to return proper reverence back to Mass. For if we ourselves do not, no one else would.

RFG always.

*Certain statements bolded and underlined for added emphasis.

[1] St Cyril. “Catechesis Mystagogica.” Quoted by Davies, M. “Communion in the Hand and Similar Frauds.”
[2] Gut, B.W. “Memoriale Domini.” Acta Apostolicae Sedis, vol. 61, 1969. From
[3] “Catechism of the Catholic Church: Popular and Definitive Edition.” Burns and Oates: New York, 2010.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Church X Politics

For many devoted Christians, the Church is a place where people gather to participate in worship and fellowship with fellow believers. To some, it is also a moment of respite, a period where one could take a break from hustles of everyday life and the events around us. The second applies to me as well, and nothing would make me more content than to attend Mass, listen to the Word, be treated to a good exegesis, and partake in the Eucharist.

Thus a person reading this may hopefully understand why I am a little upset a few weeks back. It started with the lector accidentally reading of a different passage for the second reading. This becomes a little annoying, since the Church I frequent while here in university often uses three, sometimes four different languages to accommodate its diverse congregation of races, cultures and backgrounds. Hence the laity would have to rely on the projector screen if they do not understand what is being said. And while I could read the language displayed on the board, the voice of the lector was really distracting, since I also understood the language spoken.

Then came the homily – a really watered-down porridge concerning the passages of that day. These two issues – the accidental reading and the shallow homily – I can tolerate, but what really miffed me was the priest using the homily to bring in politics. While I understand you cannot separate Church from matters of the nation, to use it as a base to explicitly criticise a particular party is at best towing dangerously close to the red line in my opinion. Singling out and making jabs to certain individuals is touching or crossing it. But to promote a fund issued by the current ruling government and setting aside the week’s collection to channel into it? Now that is just way over the top.

What is more, this call to donate came not from any individual Church but was made by the bishop himself. To help save the nation, they put it. Are they saying that contributions towards the goverment takes precedence over the wellbeing of the people of God? Are they implying the Church does not do her part when she aids those through her charity work? Even if the Church feels obliged to help, could her leaders not just make an announcement at the end of Mass urging the laity to contribute? In this day and age, donating can easily be done comfortably at home in a click of a button or a tap in a screen. The justification that people are too lazy to write a cheque and bank it in is a poor excuse if you ask me.  

Not to mention the bishop has the audacity to quote 2 Corinthians 9:7 as a pretext, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” How is this donation in any way related to St Paul’s true intention for “the offering for the saints” (2 Corinthians 9:1)? And to top off the irony, the circular was signed out with the words “Together building God’s Kingdom.”

I will not start on the point that one should have a more thorough knowledge on both sides before making judgments in this post. Even taking all the issues at face value and true, actions such as these are what cause the Catholic Church to gradually loose its direction as from God-focused to human-centric. Her members become so sensitive to the voice of the world that they loose sight of what is most important in this life and the next. They become more concerned and up-to-date about what a party leader says than showing proper veneration in Mass, where the Lord is truly present. Many who grew up Catholic do not even know/believe in the Real Presence in the Eucharist, yet are likely to identify what this/that leader said/did.

I leave a leave these two verses for those reading this to pause and consider, should there ever be a time when you have to make a similar choice:

But the Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; but only one is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her.’”
(Luke 10:41-42)

RFG always.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Post-submission Lethargy

After more than 3 years of effort, I have by the grace of God finally submitted my thesis to the postgraduate department. Currently I am awaiting my VIVA, to which, in the event I manage to pass, I will be graduating with a MSc in Engineering by this year.

It has been a few weeks since I handed in the necessary forms and hardcopy drafts. During this period of time, I have been more or less doing…well, basically nothing. Perhaps nothing is not quite the right word: I have hardly been doing anything meaningful or productive. Not counting the daily necessary activities (eating, sleeping, etc.), the majority of my time is spent on reading comics, watching Youtube, and playing games. There are still some journal papers to prepare, but the amount of work I put into them effectively made up less than 5 hours in total.

This is not the first time I have gone through this. A similar situation happened during my first 4 months semester break in Undergraduate. At that time I vaguely remember telling myself I would efficiently utilise it for writing my personal fiction or something of that sort. As can be guessed, it never worked out.

If there is one thing I learned from this and my previous experience, it is that such idleness leads to dangerous sinful activities. The fact that I long for something that will stimulate my mind, yet refuse to muster the effort to do anything often results in me whiling away my time on random clips which are hardly any use in adequately building up my knowledge in anything worthwhile. Even worse, I start indulging in morally questionable acts, to which I am clearly aware they are beginning to interfere with even my prayer/contemplation time.

Sometimes I wonder, what will it take to inspire me to get out of this stupor. Nothing I try seems to be able to hold my attention for long, or give me enough of a reason to pursue it. Heck, I am currently too lazy to even watch anime or continue reading my list of visual novels! Just how much of a slob can one person get? There are moments when I attributed it to the financial situation I am in, but that is such a poor excuse when I look at the conveniences and comfort God has showered me with even as I write this.

Now I wonder, whether the piece I am missing is proper companionship. Not a romantic one, just any normal relationship where I can freely talk to. Or better yet, one which shares the same interest in games, culture and theology. In my institution, I am almost always alone in the room, with an occasional visitor now and then. The only one who I constantly interact with is my PC.

But how can I find such a person? It is not as though I have not tried before; most who I reach out to do not reciprocate more than one reply. Admittedly, all of them are through online messaging. And I am no extrovert, nor do I have the means to spend freely with my very limited savings. At times I wish someone would magically appear just like it happens in manga.

Or maybe I should focus setting goals for myself and listing them out. Just that it does not seem to work as well as the times when I was in high school or college. I wonder why? Am I really losing motivation I life? Nothing truly worth living for?

Anyways, I guess I should cease my ranting now and actually put in more effort to find something worthwhile to do.

RFG always.

*Contemplation written a few weeks after 31 March 2018.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Confronting Reality

I am sure there are people like me who are fond of dwelling in their own fantasies. There we are the protagonist, the main character in our story, to which the fate of the world ultimately hinges upon. Sometimes, our fantasies leak into the real world as well, when we start to think we are more special than the people around us.

As much as I would like to have it, the world simply does not revolve with me as its centre. Whether I feel like I am better from the rest, justified in my actions or right in my thinking, reality does not always turn out in my favour. Nebuchadnezzar found that out dramatically in Daniel 3:14-28. And the Jews could not stomach it in John 8:31-59.

It is in a way the same for me. Postponing meetings, delaying work, grudging replies…who has the most to lose? Ultimately to the world I am merely a cog in the wheel, a nail in the pack – easily replaced. I may think highly of myself and my worth, but that means as much as a grain in a sack of rice to society at large. All the vindictive actions born from my desire to punish the other party will only result in the real loser being me. For that brief moment in time, though I may satiate my ego, I lose the trust and respect of those who put their faith in me – and with it, my credibility as a witness to the Gospel. Perhaps in my anger and frustration, I may have entertained such thoughts, like a self-righteous brat throwing a tantrum, but in the end, the hammer which I intend to let fall will be less than a prick felt to society, and in hurting God I hurt myself the most.

In their discourse with Jesus, in John 8:33 the Jews refuse to admit they were under the yoke of the Romans, closing their eyes to their history of captivity and exile across numerous nations for their sins. Am I stubbornly going to follow the same path of denying reality and refusing to confront my hardships? Am I just going to sulk in a corner wallowing in self-pity? Or can I break out from my own world, pick myself up, look to the hope He brings, and persevere towards the light at the end of the tunnel? That is ultimately for me – for each soul to decide.

RFG always.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Sincere Repentance

One day as I was going through the readings of a Missal, I came across a passage from the book of Numbers. Taken from chapter 21, it concerns a time when the Israelites were still wandering in the wilderness. Wearied by their long sojourn, they began to complain against God and Moses. In response, the Lord sent fiery serpents against them, and many died from their bite. The people then beseeched Moses, who made a bronze serpent so that anyone who was bitten may look upon it and live.

While the passage is often remembered for Israel’s grumbling and God’s unique approach for curing, the Israelites’ response in Numbers 21:7 did not sit well with me. When they beseeched Moses at the latter part of their plea, “…pray to the LORD, that He take away the serpents from us”, they were addressing the effect and not the source of the problem itself. One may contend that the first half of their cry, “We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD and against you” already showed their remorse, but had they been truly repentant, they would have said rather along the lines of “Pray to the Lord that He will forgive us our sins in His mercy” (see Psalms 51:1).

This exchange reflects one of the many problems in today’s society – we often attempt to tackle the fruit, but not the root cause of the issue. It is far easier, takes less effort and allows us to indulge in our pleasures at that particular moment in time.  It is essentially the same as to why many would rather sit idle than study for an upcoming test, or why do some drink excessively knowing they will be getting a hangover the next day. Or a more dramatic example, why some are willing to ruthlessly destroy the environment, persecute or murder another for the sake of temporary money or power, ignoring the long-term and far reaching consequences later on. So we instead resort to medicine, cramming till the early morning, and find ways to evade, deflect or cover up our actions.

It is quite sad to see that problems thousands of years ago are still being repeated today. It reveals along with it the capriciousness of human nature: that when something annoys us or did not turn out the way we expect it to, we complain and throw a tantrum, but when things really start spiralling downhill, we start praying to God. The way the Israelites cried out in Numbers 21:7 showed that they were primarily driven by fear and not sincere repentance of their ways. Those driven primarily by fear will not long maintain their loyalty; rather they long for their breakout and will be quick to seize it the moment they perceive an opportunity.

The Psalmist was acutely aware of this when he wrote in 78:34, “When He slew them, they sought for Him,” but almost immediately after, “But they flattered Him with their mouths.” Yet knowing all this, God, “being compassionate, forgave their inequity and did not destroy them.”

No one likes an egoistic person who constantly complains about his/her situation – ­ they will instinctively distance themselves, sometimes even on unfounded rumours. Yet St Paul articulated beautifully in Romans 5:7-8, “one will hardly die for a righteous manbut God shows His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” That “Christemptied Himselfand became obedient to death, even death on a cross,” (Philippians 2:5-11) “that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

I have often been guilty of cursing when things do not turn out the way I want it to – even in incidents where I knew the fault lies entirely on me –, yet in all my memories that I can recall, God tolerates my behaviour, and I end up reaching my goal in some way or another. In the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), the titular character came back to his father’s house after wasting everything he had. In contrast, I am more of a spoiled son, whining about that piece of meat I did not have. In some ways I resemble the elder son of the parable, who complains even as he dwells securely in the comfort of his father’s domain.

In this time of Lent, perhaps it is prudent to reflect on my recent experiences, recalling to mind what the Lord has done for me, the blessings and the trials, and so learn to be grateful for all He has given me, and that many a time when things do not turn out the way I want it to is due to my own failures and shortcomings.

Never forget the deeds of the Lord.”
(Response for the Psalm in The Exaltation of the Holy Cross)

RFG always.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Anime: To or Not to?

Wow, it certainly has been a while since I wrote anything here. Being somewhat preoccupied, I have not written here for months, even spilling into a new year – but I have not abandoned this blog just yet, and do no plan to anytime soon.

Awhile back while writing the material for my next post, I discovered this article ( and thought I should address this question first, which I have been putting off for quite a while. If anyone stops by to read this, recommend to go through the above article before reading on. Note: this post will assume one is familiar with basic anime terms, or else just google them out if need be. While specifically mentioning anime (which generally calls to mind Japanese animated cartoons), I also refer this to related media such as manga, games and visual novels. Also, it may be prudent to have the Bible on hand, since I may be referencing much of Scripture without quoting it here. Lastly, this muse of mine is quite long, and I intend to further explore this subject in the near future.

Let me start with the basic question: is it OK to watch anime? I have mentioned in my previous post how some people are morally/religiously critical of such media. In a way, just as I browse through Beneath the Tangles every now and then to perhaps acquire new insight regarding faith and anime, these people may have viewed this type of entertainment from the other side of the fence. While I do not intend to be too critical of their stance, I would say that consuming such material is hardly any different from, say, other forms of cartoons, video/PC/phone games, or even literature. No matter where you turn, all forms of entertainment have two different sides on a coin. I think it is a bit ludicrous to label any activity/interest on a whole as unacceptable for partaking.

Should I have given up ninjutsu because the art is potentially lethal? But it sharpened my mind and discipline, and could be useful in dangerous situations. Should I have stopped freeriding because it may encourage reckless cycling in my neighbourhood? It helped foster relationships within the neighbourhood while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Should I cease listening to metal because they are “music of devil”? Allow me to introduce just two songs: All Consuming Fire by War of Ages and Redemption by August Burns Red.

In regards to personal tolerance to the genre, the above linked post has already discussed to some extent about it. But in my region anime makes up the hobby of a significant portion of the youths’ today. If one intends to reach out to this group, the person should at least be aware of this before making any preconceived comments.

For the majority of people, I believe that watching anime is not really an issue. Thus I will now proceed to narrow down my question.

Is it fine to watch questionable anime?

When I use the term questionable anime, I define it as anime which commonly include elements of ecchi, violence or other controversial themes, yet are somewhat acceptable for mainstream screening, and not clearly distinguished into the R18 category. Examples in this group are Highschool of the Dead, Akame ga Kill! and Haganai.

Many of the more conservative Christians will likely flat out say it is wrong and avoid such media, while those with a more liberal mindset will probably allow it as a form of entertainment.

It is perhaps most valuable to acquire insights from Christians who enjoy anime-related materials. For TWWK, the main issue is “Will God be pleased with me if I watch anime?” Thus one should direct the question at themselves when encountering this problem.

While valuable as a preliminary yardstick, our conscience may at times fail us, since we are all imperfect, having sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Furthermore, this may not be too useful for those, especially newcomers to the genre and topic, who seek and need a more direct answer.

How can this be a problem? Say for instance a person X (non-religious) introduced his friend Y (a practicing Christian) to his first anime series, which is an ecchi. Y only found out later on after watching it, but he also found the show to his liking. 

What then, should be his appropriate response? Should Y staunchly reject all future episodes, seeing that it depicts/promotes questionable values? Or is it fine to continue the series, knowing it is not real? Either way, choosing one basically means that he supports the decision and encourages others, whether directly or indirectly, to do so as well.

First, let us look at it from a biblical perspective. From the Old right up to the New Testament, we are commanded to stay from all forms of violence and immorality. Deuteronomy 5:21, Psalm 101:3-4, Isaiah 33:15-16, Daniel 13, Matthew 5:27-28, Mark 7:21-22, Romans 1:21-32, Galatians 5:19-21 and Titus 3:3-9 are some passages that can more-or-less be adopted to fit this category in today’s world.

By just browsing through these excerpts, it seems obvious that the we should reject such questionable material. But is it just that simple?

As mentioned previously, anime makes up quite interest of quite a portion of people from where I am from. There is a chance one may encounter a person who is into questionable material. Like it or not the world does not revolve around one person’s ideals. Enter an anime convention and one will most definitely encounter material with themes that run contrary to Christian virtues. Make a pilgrimage to the holy land of otaku (Akiba) and it will be many times more glaring.

Another issue is our interactions with those who enjoy such genres – or the social perspective. How are we to go about dealing with such people? Are we just going to flat out say it is wrong and quote a multitude of reasons why we should stay away from it? In today’s world which advocates individuality and freedom of speech, such action will likely have the opposite effect. A blunt attempt to impose our convictions or correct a person’s viewpoint tends to impulsively trigger defiance on the side of the recipient. “I like what I like; what’s it got to do with you?” Such comments are some of the politer renditions I have seen and heard.

There are two, perhaps starkly different answers I would give, depending on the group I am addressing to.

The first address is to the common majority, especially to newcomers in the early process of forming their faith. To this group, I would recommend to stay away and abstain from the earlier defined questionable anime.

Drawing from my own experience as well as observing others around me, the early stages of a believer is the most delicate, as it is at this period when they are most impressionable. Often, those who have recently dedicated themselves to the Lord are passionate and enthusiastic about living out their faith. However, their foundation has not yet been firmly established; they are, as the writer of Hebrews would have put it, still infants reliant on milk (Hebrews 5:13). It is at this period a person is most easily influenced/affected by the people and material he/she consumes.

With a conscience that is still moulding, one may also resort to emulate certain examples, stick to a set of principles, or categorise things in black and white in order to find his/her footing. As I was brought up in a Catholic environment and had some knowledge in her teachings, during the early days when I started to take my faith more seriously, my stance often made me question the way the Church handles her affairs. For instance, I used to desire the Mass to be more animated, charismatic and emotionally engaging, complete with contemporary music that appeals to the youths, who are the future torchbearers of the Church. Also, what is it with all the rules and regulations the Catholic Church set out – the Days of Obligation, no meat on Fridays, etc? This was to an extent influenced by the charismatic camps and multi-denominational Christian Fellowship I attended back in high school. While they certainly help play a part in building my faith, without proper guidance and an appreciable amount of time of contemplation, I would probably have continued in my flawed mindset.

It is not just me however. When an acquaintance of mine first converted to Christianity, she often posted messages on rapture, and even a few that vilified Catholics. It got to the point where people started to harshly reprimand her antics. Even I must admit I got quite upset with her behaviour, her incessant posts/messages, and her flippant replies when I attempted to correct her misconceptions.

Then there is another on the other end of the spectrum, who, being heavily influenced by the traditional rite stopped participating in the Catholic group in university, ceased attending Masses in Novus Ordo (opting a 2+ hour drive back to his hometown every weekend to celebrate the Tridentine Mass), and even mocking (yes, mocking, not just criticising) the Ordinary Latin form.

While the three examples given can be related to shortcomings/misconceptions that need to be corrected and overcome, there is no question that fondling a person’s private parts, mounting heads on spears, and dirty talk are things we should not be doing. By extension, is it not appropriate and commendable that we eschew from such materials, even if they are fictional? This is even more so if we are easily influenced, or trying to find our feet in the faith.

I must stress again I am not suggesting a blanket refrain on all forms of anime. There are other more agreeable shows that could arguably be more engaging – Angel Beats!, Kimi No Na Wa, and a host of titles by Studio Ghibli just to name a few. One does not need to engage in the more controversial series to enjoy anime as a whole. In fact, many – particularly ecchi – rely on fanservice to compensate for the lack of good design or plot. That is one of the reasons why I find most in this vein to be unremarkable/unmemorable to me. A bit of research and one can generally stay clear of the more questionable types. And, even if we indulge in more family-friendly anime, this still gives us ample opportunity to connect with the majority of other anime fans.

Now, although I have mused much on this throughout this post, it is important to keep in mind that the world does not revolve solely around anime. I have personally met a guy who gave up a stable job and staked his life in pursuing his otaku interest, yet approximately half of our hours-long conversation had nothing to do with anime. This goes to show that one can still build a meaningful relationship even outside of anime (although it will certainly help!).

So to sum it up again. To the majority of Christians, I would advise to stay away from questionable anime that heavily focus on ecchi, violence and controversial themes.

My second address is to the niche, more mature Christians who have been called to be witnesses to the anime otakudom. To this group, I would cautiously approve their decision to continue down this line.

Now wait a second. Does that mean I am a two-faced hypocrite? What of all the Bible verses quoted, and the above long-winded exposition against it to boot?

I would like to bring up a passage which I left out until now. Taken from 1 Corinthians 8, St Paul spent the entire chapter discussing on food that has been sacrificed to idols. First, he explains that all things, even the food offered to idols, come from God. Next, he goes on to state that not everyone can comprehend this. Finally, he warns that our actions should not become a stumbling block to other believers.

If we take the passage above and substitute the ‘food’ with ‘questionable anime’, we find that our subject of discussion actually fits the bill quite snugly. Try putting this into practice, and we get something like the following:

Concerning questionable anime, we all possess knowledge. We know that such content is fictional and does not exist in real life. God made all things, through and whom we live for. But not everyone is able to grasp and understand this. Such material will not make us worse or better off if we consume it. But take care that your knowledge and liberty does not destroy your brothers and sisters whose conscience are weak.

Those who are firm in faith and grounded in knowledge are not likely to be affected by such scenes. After all, we can discern what is right and wrong, and, if we can look past those spots, we may be able to find great themes and stories beneath the murky sheet (eg: Berserk). Just as organic vegetables are often riddled with holes, at times we may discover a gem amidst morally provoking materials. The essence is that we are able to focus on its redeeming points rather than the faults.

Still, is it better not to engage in such material? Why flirt with sin (or lead others to sin) for a good story?

While not the majority (at least from where I am from), there are people who are obsessed with the outliers, perhaps to the point of even forgoing conventional anime. Take a friend of mine, B as a soft case in point. When you bring two people with an interest in a similar subject, you can naturally expect them to engage in that subject sooner or later. However, B paid exceptional attention on the ecchi clips, and often highlighted them whenever we discuss on anime. To him and other like-minded people, should I adopt a tough guy stance? I personally feel that I more or less made the right decision, merely highlighting I am not into fanservice, and focusing on other parts of the story. For those who are called to be witnesses in this niche, they must be able to handle the occasional, or even common, questionable material. Otherwise, it will be difficult to connect and stay on the same page as them.

So, for Christians who are matured and informed on their faith, and who are called to be witnesses in this area, I would support their decision on watching questionable anime.

For such a simple question, I definitely took more than a bit of musing – and in the end, there is not one direct blanket answer I can give. It really bores down to our disposition and maturity. Only God can peer through the depths of our hearts and desires to know if we are truly suited for such material and exposure. And ultimately, the only way to know this is to earnestly seek His guidance through prayer. Let this verse be my lamp post, and the guide for those struggling in and under such situations:

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything (in) the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
(Colossians 3:17)

RFG always.