Saturday, October 23, 2010

Creation, Destruction, Restoration

…is how I would sum up the Bible. This has ever been a recurring theme in Scripture, beginning from the Old to the New Testament.

In Genesis, we see how God in six days created the Earth and all that is in it, and then rested on the seventh. We read how man came to be, when God took dust, shaped it in His image and likeness, and breathed in it the spirit of life. We hear how men were blessed and given authority over the Earth, to rule it in God’s stead. We find God once walked and talked with man, and man dwelled fully in the presence of God.

Thus, we are the creation of Love.

Moving deeper, we see how the serpent deceived man into eating the forbidden fruit from the tree in the middle of the Garden. How man broke the only restriction God placed on him the moment the fruit passed his lips. How from the fall of one man, all of humankind were left inevitably to stumble in darkness. How they chose to turn away from God towards their own passions. How their own passions incurred the wrath of God, and brought their own demise.

We read how in every generation, man fell short of the glory of God. How Noah drank himself drunk and laid naked in the middle of his tent. How Abram (before being renamed Abraham) went undercover and brought plagues to Egypt for not revealing the whole truth that Sarai (before being renamed Sarah) was his wife. How Moses in his frustration did not honour God before the Israelites when he struck the rock to bring forth water at Meribah. How David in his desire for Bathsheba, subtly killed her husband Uriah by having him die in battle. How Solomon, after gaining great wisdom and many wives, began to turn away from God.

Thus, our destruction by Sin.

Yet time and time again, we see the mercy of God at work to bring His broken people back to Him. We read how God reconciled His people in every age by means of a covenant. In the time of Noah, He gave the rainbow as a sign. In the time of Abraham, He constituted the circumcision. During the time of Moses, the 10 Commandments were drawn. Throughout history, prophets were sent to remind people to turn back to God and renew those covenants.

Finally, God gave the ultimate gift of His Son, that through Him the whole world may be redeemed. How His Son instituted the everlasting Covenant with His Body and Blood, that we may be in communion with Him and our sins may be forgiven. How through the two, our shortcomings are breached, and we may be in presence of the Lord. How through this act, we are given the privilege to be called sons and daughters of the Most High, Creator of all.

Thus, our restoration through Covenant.

This is my life description summed up, and I will forever stand by it:

I was created in love,
Destroyed by Sin,
And restored through the Covenant.

RFG always.

Updated: 30 April 2011. Slight correction about Abram and Sarai.

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