Monday, December 16, 2013

A Vision?

An important note to whoever is reading this: if you expect something mindblowing upon seeing the title (such as news about the end of the world), prepare to be immensely disappointed.

Just thought to share a small personal incident I witnessed during Adoration this night. I was at Church praying at one of the pews. At my Church there is a standalone wall behind the altar, where a large figure of Jesus on the Cross is hung. During nights having Adoration, all lights will be off save the candles flanking the altar on the raised dais, and the background lights positioned behind the figure of Jesus, illuminating it.

After facing the Cross, I closed my eyes and prayed for a while. When I opened them, for an instant my eyes perceived the area at the foot of the Cross was slightly darkened compared to the rest of the area surrounding the figure before returning to normal. The darkened area was in shape of a circle. The wood that made up the Cross remained of similar shade at the foot as with the rest of the figure; only the wall area seemed to darken for that instant.

Rationale may give me a hundred and one reasons to explain off this scenario; however, suffice to say I rather not dwell on such thoughts during prayer and Adoration (also I believe too much of this aspect will also close my mind to experience the miracles in my life). Besides, I did not stare at the Cross for a prolonged period of time and had my eyes shut probably longer than the latter before opening them.

So with that in mind I tried to make meaning of what I saw. I closed my eyes again and this time an outline image of Jesus with the two robbers crucified with him was projected. The crosses of the two criminals were angled slightly away, behind and below; while the outline of Jesus on the Cross was in between them at the forefront, and raised by a small mound at the foot of the Cross.

What I made of this experience, I will just briefly mention, since I felt I had not quite hit the mark. However, at that time I likened the first image of the darkened area to laying everything down at the foot of the Cross. The second image I took it then as Jesus must be the center of our life.

In any case I spent quite a while praying and contemplating this, up until the lights were shut (a cue that the session has ended). It is experiences like this which God blesses my way that I cherish, just as the time He allowed me once to hear a glimpse of the angels’ choir during my high school days.

RFG always.

PS: And just after this date, the following day’s experience seemed to be more than just a passing coincidence, the two seeming somehow related. Gotta start writing again soon XD.

Updated: 18 Dec 2013, on the events that occurred on 16 Dec 2013.

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