Thursday, July 3, 2014

Blessed Birthday

I am truly blessed: on my birthday I had the day with classes, received first a low test result, two quizzes and then a test. No, I am not implying sarcasm, contrary to how it sounds. Allow me to recount the day in the following paragraphs.

On my birthday I woke up at the 0618 hour, as I usually do during days when I have lessons at 0800. I had more or less forgotten about my birthday, having a test and a quiz to worry about in the afternoon. The week was the assignment and test week, and had me up from early morning until past midnight for the past few days. It was not until my dad and a friend messaged me that I recalled it was my special day.

I was the first to arrive to Construction Project Management (CPM) class in the morning, before ten minutes before 0800. There, my first blessing awaited me: my former Head of Department and lecturer commended for my punctuality and hinted about bonus marks for those who are make it on time. Throughout the period, only half the students attended that subject.

After the lecturer left came the second blessing: a surprise quiz conducted by his general assistant (GA). Those who were not present obviously missed out the credits from it, yet none of us really studied or went through our notes for CPM, seeing it was our test and assignment week after all. Then, voila, the GA literally revealed the answers for each of the questions in the quiz. Not very ethical perhaps, but anyway. Thus, free marks secured.

The third blessing was that I managed to acquire a group member in order to carry my CPM project. The same goes for my Ocean and Coastal Engineering (OCE) project – making that my fourth blessing, which came during OCE period, right after CPM. Both the group members are different, yet they are course mates who I can get comfortably along with.

After the morning lessons were over, I headed back for quick lunch before studying for my quiz and test. At 1500 hour, I head to class to take the quiz in OCE. Before the quiz started, I received back my OCE assignment and test results. I did satisfactorily for my assignment, but my test marks were horrible. After some checking, I found some sections were not marked correctly or overlooked. I conveyed this to the OCE GA, and my marks went from 30/40 to 37/40. Thus, that became my fifth blessing.

My sixth blessing: I could do the quiz. Even with last minute studying (since the coming test was given higher priority), the questions were manageable. And, as with the first quiz, the GA provided us some guidance (though not as blatantly) throughout the quiz.

After the quiz, I left for another building to sit for my Offshore Structures test. I had one hour to revise before the test began, so I managed to revise and discussed some of the issues and problems with my course mates. Then came my test, and the seventh and final blessing which I will mention here: I could do my test. I managed to complete it 20 minutes or so before the given time. This allowed me to check and correct a minor error I found in my calculation. Thus, I am quite satisfied when I handed in my paper.

I truly am thankful that all those events took place on my birthday. The Lord had prepared it so that, as my present, He would take those events and turn it to my credit. Even if I were given the opportunity, I will not have any of the events that had taken place to be changed. Those activities were truly blessings in and of itself.

RFG always.

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