Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Prove That Metal Music Can be Used by God!


That afternoon I nearly gave into the temptation of lust, which seem to crop up only when I am under stress and strain ( NOT the σ = F/A or ∑ = l – l˳ / l˳ type XD).

Side note: see how cunning the devil is at planning; attacking at my weakest state.

In order to divert my mind away from those thoughts and feelings I ran a song from Sacrecy, a Christian power metal band, named ‘Image of God (and no, I did not steal their songs; they are available in MySpace).

It really felt like God was ministering through the song, although the entrance melody was not exactly the upbeat type (in fact, it sounds a bit melancholic). Throughout the song these verses particularly stood out to me:

You are an image of God.

Somehow, this is the first line struck out to me although I cannot quite place it at first. It took me some time of reflection, and I recalled that, since we are all built in the image of God, therefore our thoughts should be the mirror of God’s thoughts; and that I should see a person as an equal, created in His image and not a plaything for my fantasies.

My son, why do you persecute Me?

Out of all the lines in the song this one caught my attention most during that time of trial. To me this line is a reflection of Acts 9:4 when St Paul (at that time Saul) met the Lord on the way to Damascus. Although the nature and of the events are glaringly different, ultimately had I given in to temptation, I would still be persecuting the Lord and taking His mercy and forgiveness for granted. And unlike Saul at that time, I am already included into the family of God, thus I have not the excuse of ignorance for my sin. The line immediately preceding it, “I shall tell you what to do” (related to Acts 9:6) complements the whole thing nicely, for the Lord had indeed steered me to the right path.

Now you’re free!

Why this line? Simple. Because immediately after listening to the song, I was indeed free from that tempting desire of lust. No joke. Miracle eh? Aside from that, Jesus came down to set us free from the bondage of sin in all its forms, and thus I shall make the choice and try my best not to give into temptation again.

Now who says that heavy metal and rock are the devils tools? ;)

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory for ever. Amen.

(Romans 11:36)

RFG always.

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