Saturday, August 17, 2013

Step Back and Live a Prayer

Awhile back when I was struggling to cope with my busy start of the semester, I felt keenly something which I am rarely conscious of – I was beginning to despise my nightly devotion. The minimum 1 hour I set aside became more of a mechanical routine – distant and impersonal.

Going through this was like the post-Lenten period all over again. Checking my watch every few minutes to see if I had reached the set time, I began to lose the meaning of this devotion in the first place. If I were to give an analogy it was like sitting in class and waiting impatiently for the bell to go off during the final period. Only, this was not merely an educational lesson, nor was it supposed to be a distant unrelated subject taught by some droning teacher.

While setting a standard and working to meet it can indeed be a good thing, yet forcing yourself under high stress and a foul mood may actually result in a destruction in interest. This would only detract and shut the message God intends to deliver to me.

Back when I initially set myself this benchmark, I originally meant for it to be a time where I could set aside the activities of the day and dedicate the period so that I may increase my relationship with Him, be it through the Word, reflections, prayer, or adoration. Although I did update myself on the time every now and then, I did not particularly kept tabs on how long I went, sometimes going nearly thrice the set standard.

Even now I felt my actions in this similar to the Pharisees in Jesus’ time – only the show I stage was for myself, my own satisfaction. While others may not gaze on the performance, it was a much more subtle act of self-righteousness and gratification, one harder to correct since itself is harder to (consciously) spot. And with that, I gradually began to lose grip on the main intention of centering on God.

The time when I was freshly aware of this, led by the Spirit I decided to go through the day’s readings as I attempted to sort this out. At that time, the words of Sirach 35:1-5; Psalms 50:5-6, 7-8, 14, 23 and Mark 10:28-31 called out from the pages. In fact the first verse in the first reading from Sirach, immediately reached out to me:

He who keeps the law makes many offerings; he who heeds the commandment sacrifices a peace offering.”

Sharing in God’s life requires an earnest effort to improve of one’s heart and actions, not simply following a “dead” rule. That is the true spirit of the Law, which can be summarised as love God and neighbour (Luke 10:27). Even when it was mentioned to “keep the Sabbath day holy,” (Exodus 20:8) our Lord showed in numerous passages (Luke 6:1-10, 13:10-17, 14:2:-6, etc.) that we are not to compromise showing His love because of our own self-righteous standards.

The following Psalm further reinforced this, and affirmed that true sacrifice comes not from superficial offerings; instead

Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving…call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”
(Psalms 50:14-15)

The Gospel concluded it in whole, when Peter said “we have given up everything and followed you.” At that moment, it reminded me that our whole lives – all our activities of eating, sleeping, studying, working, etc. – are to be lifted in prayer. Thus it challenged me to carry my prayers into my daily activities. 

With all that is said however, I still do not intend to compromise my time set aside for prayer/devotion. The conclusions I arrived to were not to provide me a leeway, but so that I may understand and work to overcome the problem.

But there are times where I need to know my human limits, and that it would better to cease rather than accumulating loathing for His word. Thus I should also learn to focus on my work and lift them up as a prayer.

RFG always.

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