Monday, August 19, 2013

Do Your Best and God Will Do the Rest

Since the beginning of the semester, there is one thing mutually feared and by all my classmates this in my university, myself included. It is an entity none of us could firmly grasp, govern by laws we cannot fully understand, and one which devoid from a single definite solution. The dreaded entity is known as the Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures.

The subject is taught by a lecturer who expects us to immediately remember and comprehend what is said, and recall all the related subjects learnt in previous semesters. Add it together and you have the perfect ingredient for what you need to stupefy a student.

The worked examples were…perhaps to better paint a picture, we are given ‘1+1=2’, then ‘If you have 17 apples and you add 6 more to it, you will have 23 apples’. When the assignments came, they were ‘You have a bottle and you bought another triple the number. Calculate the total volume of water for the bottles.

Using this metaphor: the first equation is direct; the second example was more complicated with a bit of twist; the third, in addition to what was freshly taught required the knowledge of previous subjects, forced us to think out of the box and use our discretion to solve the problem. For the third example you will first need a certain level of English comprehension to understand and meet the requirement of the problem. Then to find the volume of water, we could assume different sizes for each bottle, or different volumes of water containing in the bottles, or we can say we referred to the plastic label on the bottle. Ultimately when it comes down to it, they are all additions.

It came as no surprise then, that nobody in my class managed to complete the entire assignment, except 2 exchange students who had previously taken the course back at their home university. When the first test came, the nightmare was all we had imagined – and more. Even the general assistants (GAs) pointed us to the incorrect interpretation/method of solving a problem. By the time it ended, we were all resigned to the seemingly obvious fact of achieving low marks for the test. Frankly I could say for the majority of the questions I knew peanuts of what I was doing, and second-doubting the ones which I knew.

Needless to say, receiving back our results were like awaiting execution. Yet when I saw the value contained within the red circle, I was honestly surprised in did, well…well. If there is one thing I must say, this incident reminded me – again in the series of many agains – that as long as I put effort in doing my best and lifting it up to the Lord in prayer, the situation cannot go far wrong.

The event also brought to mind a recent story I read from the Bible. In the last chapters of the first book of Samuel 29 to 30, before he was king, when David went with the Achish King of Gath in the war against Israel his own kin, I doubt he knew what he should really do should he meet in battlefield. Sandwiched between the Philistines (his former enemy turned current host and ally) and Israel (who would perceive him a betrayer who joined their enemy’s ranks), it was obviously not the best position to be in.

Yet David trusted God, and in faith he went together with the Philistines. And God in His great wisdom to establish David’s future reign, worked out the pieces for David. At the last moment David withdrew from the battle, saved his people captured by the Amalekites, gained a substantial fortune in the process, used it to strengthen ties with his people in Judah, and Saul the current king of Israel was killed, thus paving the way for David’s kingship.

In life, things will not always be a breeze of the wind, and at times I feel as close to flipping tables. Just take your best shot, pray, trust in the Lord and His timing, and, just as He continuously sees me through the rest of the way, so I pray for living souls who are reading this that you will find your trust in Him.

RFG always.

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