Sunday, September 22, 2013

In Turn Sheep

So it is nearing the end of September, and I am officially going to start my second internship (the first was in diploma). It feels a wee bit awkward as most of my high schoolmates have graduated – some with masters, and one even got married late this year.

More disappointingly however was that I did not manage to secure a placement in the offshore industry. Deepwater had been my interest back since college, and I had been angling my efforts to acquiring a placement in the offshore sector. Not that I should grumble much – I knew only 4 batch mates who managed to enter the sector.

Still, it is a bit hard to let this slide. What did I do wrong in my CV? How did those others who were academically/co-curricularly less robust than me managed to make that breakthrough? Why have I, even setting aside pride and self-independence to enlist aid of inside people, not even incited a single response from those companies? While ironically, the few internationally recognised structural companies I sent half-heartedly gave a near instantaneous ring on my phone.

I never doubted God always planned what is best for me – yet I sometimes wondered if my lack of faith obstructed his plan for me. When I prayed I had this feeling that I should continue to wait until the last moment before confirming my place in a company. I had a hunch that the longer I wait, a better opportunity would present itself to me. Sure enough the companies, both image and monetary wise seemed to grow better with each passing offer. I honesty wondered if I made too hasty a decision in jumping ship on the second company offer – just after a few hours, another internationally recognised company called me with a potential wage slightly less than twice the amount than the one I accepted. And it did not help when my course mates surrounded and berated me for foregoing such an opportunity -.-.

Still, what’s done is done, and I am thankful that I managed to secure a place in my soon-to-be company. Though still a bit disappointed, I am sure God will see me through this next leg of my life, and He will take what I view as a dry and malnourished land and cause it to yield a fruitful harvest.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart...and He will me straight your paths.”

Proverbs 3:4-5

RFG always.

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