Sunday, March 6, 2016

Daily Miracle Diary

From today onwards I shall attempt to keep a record on some of the daily miracles that occurred in my life, at least the ones which shine out to me. This shall be a reminder to myself and for my conviction of the little yet wonderful blessings God has showered my life with.

Today I woke up as usual at 5.48am to prepare myself and take the bus to Church, which leaves around 7am. As I have to submit my conference paper by 15th March 2016, I would prefer to attend the earlier Mass (8.00am) at Saint Michael’s Church (SMC) located some 20 minutes away by foot from the bus station. Of late I the bus usually reaches its designation slightly later than 7.50am, so I had been attending the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes (OLOL), which starts at 9am.

Today however, the bus arrived 20 minutes before 8, just in time for me to arrive at SMC at the start of the opening hymn. Miracle No. 1.

Before heading my way to Church, I checked the bus schedule at my usual station, which was recently revised. Previously there had been trips at 10.30am, which was the main reason why I went to SMC – just in time for brunch before walking back to the station from Church. I found that there was no bus at earlier than 11.30am, which would defeat the purpose of going to an earlier Mass. However, there were 2 bus stations in the area, and since I was not familiar with their schedule, I decided to take a step in faith after I am done with Church and food.

Right after brunch, I had an urge to shit. I decided to take the dump at the toilet near the bus station. Not long after, the desperation meter increased exponentially. It was too late to turn back then, and there were no toilets in sight. So at the peak of my limit, I said aloud, “By the strength of God, I will arrive at the toilet,” and “By the grace of God, the toilet will be vacant when I arrive.” (Note there was only 1 decently clean toilet in the area) And whadaya know: the crappy urge began to subside, and I was able to make the last 2 to 3 minutes to the toilet. And just as I was a few meters away from my point of interest, out came the previous occupant of the toilet. Talk about perfect timing. Miracle No. 2.

After answering the call of nature, I headed to bus station no. 2, the one whose schedule I was not sure of. When I arrived and asked about the next trip back, I was told it was about to leave in 5 minutes. Miracle No. 3.

Since I have an urgent need to meet my paper deadline (note I have yet to start writing, as my results were faulty), I stopped by my university laboratory/workstation to continue troubleshooting and calibrating my simulations. Managed to find a workaround before the end of the day. Miracle No.4.
Initially the day seemed as though it might rain in the evening; that would be a problem, as I had left my bicycle at the hypermarket, located between my university and my house. Walking from my university to the hypermarket takes approximately 45 minutes, and the subsequent ride back would add another 10 to it. Yet evening saw decently clear sky, and a research mate who came by the laboratory for his own work was kind enough to fetch me to the hypermarket. Thus I was able to make it back safely before 7pm. Miracle No.5.

So ends another blessed day in God.

PS: if possible, it is always good to keep the Sabbath; I substituted mine with Saturday, the day before.

RFG always.

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