Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sometimes We Need a Physical Example to Push Us to Greater Spiritual Heights

Two Fridays back I was in a slight fix, whether I should go to an invited Cell Group meeting or practice my driving as my exam was 6 days or so away. So I asked God for a sign, in order to decide the path I should take. Nothing eventful happened, so at midday, I finally decided to ask my dad for his car to practice on in the evening (my mum borrowed his car to work as hers was stolen 7 days ago). He told me yes albeit (I sensed) a bit reluctantly, and I thought this was settled. Then came evening and…

It rained.

It is not that I never drove in the rain; rather my dad’s car has a lot of problems (if you can drive his car, you can drive any car – quote from bro XD), and my mum came home and informed that my dad’s car was leaking or something of that sort.

Thus, it ended up (obviously) I did not drove his car. The thing is, I had still time opt for my first option and join the CG for that day (it was around 5pm, the CG starts around 8.30pm?). However, I chose to stay at home.

So why did I not make the choice of going for CG? First, I had already SMSed them, informing that I was busy on that day. Call me stubborn or unbendable or whatever, but I usually do not like to change my decision once I made them.

Second, I told myself it was raining – and quite heavily at that. Lame I know, and the reason became all the more lamer when it slowed into a drizzle by, what? 6+ pm?

Third, I justified that this sign that I asked for, it came too late, after I had already messaged the CG member. After all I thought, the whole time before that and not a glimpse sign had God shown me.

That evening till night, things were not as smooth flowing for me as compared to other, uneventful nights. I was quite disturbed, as well as annoyed and slightly upset with my parents. Nevertheless I continued my daily routine: the internet. And God’s Spirit again guided me to another message of the day.

HIs timing is always, always James Bond's timing.

Honestly, I really thank God for arranging me to meet this person and pointing me to her blog. Statements like this I have come across and are stored at the back of my head, but some have never gotten personalised until now. Now when I think back of the incident, how foolish I had been. How could God have shown a dull and ignorant like me a tangible sign unless it all happened in the evening? If something happened in the morning it would likely have no relation to the events that were due later. If it had rained in the afternoon, I would simply brush it off as I can then drive at night. Then, how could God show me any other sign unless it was done in the evening? And even then, he gave me time to change my mind.

Somehow, I feel that God is preparing me for something more in the future – that in areas where difficult decisions are to be made, I should turn to Him and look out for the signs He would show me. Before this event happened I, diverted my usual Bible Study of the New Testament (currently in the Gospel of Matthew) to a (unnoticed before then) folded page in the book of Judges. There, I read the whole chapter 6 about the prophet Gideon, and how he was called by God. Somehow, I can relate myself to him, in that I need some form of reassurance before I carry out a task. And with all the visible signs God is showing me, I doubt all of these are a coincidence: God wants to build up my faith in Him, to learn to lean on Him with through all He is showing me. Though, I must build up on the follow up with the signs part.

RFG always.

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